Contact The Nightly
Submit an Op-Ed
The Nightly is student-run and aims to publish works that the corporate media will not. We gladly review and publish Op-Eds and guest stories from people in the community. That being said, we reserve the right to not publish any story.
Please email all Op-Ed's to Let us know:
If you would like to publish anonymously or with a personal name or organization listed
A future publication date (if desired)
Attached to the email please also include:
A PDF version of your Op-Ed or guest story
Any attached photos and any other media to be included in the story and headliner
Tip Us Off
Want to request a story from us? Know of something interesting going on? Please email Tips can be kept anonymous.
Publish Art or a Poem
The Nightly is student-run and aims to publish works that the corporate media will not. We gladly review and publish Art, Poetry, and more from people in the community. That being said we reserve the right to not publish works.
Please email all work to Let us know:
If you would like to publish anonymously or with a personal name or organization listed
A future publication date (if desired)
Attached to the email please also include:
For Poems ~ A PDF version of any poems and a photo to a company the poem
For Art and other media ~ Attach all media to the email include a title and a short description if desired
Please direct questions and comments to