Anarchism at the UW Palestine Encampment
The past week has seen an unprecedented uprising on campus, with an encampment in the Quad growing larger by the day demanding a free Palestine and an end to University complacency in genocide. The encampment is made up of a complex web of people, organizations, and autonomous collectives. With most of the attention being given to socialist organizations like the United Front and Progressive Student Union, we thought we would draw attention to the growing community of anarchists at the encampment.
UW encampment continues to grow as it approaches its first full week of existence.
Many of the anarchists present want to help foster a culture of autonomy and self-determination with people on campus. Building community, trust, and love is a great place to start in achieving this goal. Mutual aid, teach-ins, tabling, zine printing, and other tactics have all been discussed as ways to do this. These efforts are not occurring separately from the rest of the encampment. Instead they are connected, as they focus on keeping ourselves safe, building political consciousness, and building community, all with the goal of a free Palestine in mind.
Though likely a topic for a future article, UW student organizing has a lot of problems, many of which boil down to statism and hierarchicalism. We are stuck recreating many of the same evils of the systems around us, embracing individualism, isolation, and overwork. In contrast, anarchism and the elimination of hierarchies and cliques within leftist spaces could transform our community.
Anarchism reiterates the importance of autonomous action, empowerment, and agency. So, maybe look into anarchism a bit, before deciding to jump wholeheartedly into mainstream Marxist organizing. For those who are curious and want to learn more, we encourage you to go to the encampment and talk to some anarchists. Stay alert for upcoming events, meetings, or autonomous action that you might want to learn more about, or be a part of. The encampment is a unique opportunity for us all to grow. Go befriend an anarchist and keep an open mind.
In the coming days and weeks, Anarchists at the encampment are planning several potential events from teach-ins to movie screenings. Everyone is welcome and we encourage people to stop by.