Condemnation of the partnership between Boeing and UW at the so-called "Climate Solutions" Summit

A Press Release Sent to The Nightly by Resist US-Led War Seattle

Resist US-Led War Seattle unequivocally condemns the partnership between Boeing and UW at the Climate Solutions Summit this past Friday, April 28th.

At the Summit, student teams competed to design projects related to decarbonization and connect with “relevant industry leaders.” In other words, Boeing, the third-largest weapons manufacturer in the world, was able to use this event to present their career options as “green”. Boeing’s involvement in this event is a blatant attempt to strengthen the pipeline on UW’s campus that directs students obtaining public education into careers that strengthen the US war machine. 

The summit was marketed as an event geared towards finding climate solutions, but Boeing has no real intention of addressing the underlying causes of climate catastrophe. We know this because Boeing makes more than half of their profits in the military sector. The US Department of Defense is Boeing’s number one client and the largest institutional source of greenhouse gases in the world. Boeing is fueled by profit, not an environmental conscience. By encouraging innovation competitions, Boeing exploits students seeking climate solutions to ensure that “change” does not come at the expense of Boeing’s bottom line.

Students want to contribute towards real and meaningful change, not corporations’ profit margins. We acknowledge the deep frustration of seeking spaces to develop skills and make the world a better place only to find your work co-opted by transnational weapons companies like Boeing.

In the face of climate destruction, the world desperately needs students who are driven to use their education, creativity, and energy to innovate real solutions to global environmental issues. Resist US-Led War Seattle remains firm in our stance that students should have opportunities to practice the application of their studies and develop solutions to the environmental destruction brought on by imperialism. But these opportunities must center on finding genuine solutions to address people’s needs rather than corporate greed. 

As long as Boeing remains a presence on UW’s campus, Resist will call out their greenwashing, their manipulation, and their war profiteering. We strongly condemn Boeing's continued use of UW students and programs to launder its reputation. University of Washington, here’s a climate solution: Cut Ties with Boeing. 

Note: Press release is endorsed by Institutional Climate Action UW 


Published May 1st 2023