Upcoming School of Social Work Strike Action: Solidarity With Palestine 

An Announcement submitted by UW Social Work Students

On January 17th, besieged Palestinian journalist Bisan Odwa called for a global strike during the week of the 21st-28th in hopes of advocating for a ceasefire in Gaza. It is no secret that the University of Washington has remained complicit in Israel’s occupation of Palestine and the

ongoing targeted repression of student activists who attempt to speak out against the genocide. As students at the UW School of Social Work, we cannot be silent in the face of such oppression. We have organized to come together on Thursday, Jan. 25th to honor those murdered by Israeli

forces, to strengthen our community ties through ritual healing, and to take action in solidarity with Palestinian liberation. This intentional space will include a memorial altar, song/dance/speaking, food and drink to nourish our gathering, and opportunities to get involved in local pro-Palestine actions. This is a chance for students to bear witness in ways that may not be supported by an administration that refuses to speak out against Israel’s mass murder of Palestinians. Please join us in solidarity with our comrades in Gaza as we continue to organize around the values of equity, justice, and liberation that guide us as social workers, advocates, and members of the community. All are welcome.

UW School of Social Work Strike Action in Solidarity with Palestinian Liberation:

1/25 @ 11:30 AM

4101 15th Ave NE

1st Floor Gallery

Bring: materials for altar, signs, written or spoken word, dance, flags, keffiyeh

Food + drink provided

Please mask up

Published 1-22-24